Last posted 11/09/22
Dear Parents and Musicians
2:00 – 30 minutes: Talk about careers – balancing a musician’s career with a non-music career; full time musician’s career Profile of the band’s history
2:30 – 15 minutes: Bring audience in for Performance
2:45 to 3:15 – 30 minutes: Performance
The band are also performing at the Livermead Cliff Hotel at 8pm on Wednesday 21st September and there is a special priced student ticket at £10
Posted 07/07 /2022
Posted 01/05/2022
Dear Musicians and Parents,
I hope you had a great Easter break and are looking forward to this term.
The Music Centre started back at Torquay Boys Grammar School on Friday 29th April, the Oldway group starts back on Tuesday 3rd May and Brixham group on Thursday 5th May.
Please tell your friends about us and invite them to come along. Everyone is welcome!
Thank you to all those who have already completed this term’s form. If you haven’t done so yet please sign up for this term on the form below, one for each musician.
Looking forward to seeing you soon.
Dear Parents and Musicians
This term has gone so quickly next week is our end-of-term concert at TBGS 7 pm. Everyone has been working really hard and I’m thoroughly looking forward to hearing all the different performances.
- All groups in their normal rooms 4.30-5.30pm except Fast forward who will go straight into the Centenary Hall. That is where all 3 Fast Forward groups will join together for their rehearsal. (Brixham, Oldway and Torquay).
- Please can Fast Forward children be collected/ supervised by parents at 5.30pm and return to the Hall after having tea at 6.45pm ready to play first. There will be no lessons with Tom this week.
- On stage rehearsals will be from 5.30pm for other groups. Your teachers will let you know if this is necessary for your group and the time you have been allocated after tomorrow’s rehearsal (25th March).
- Please come to register before you go to your usual rooms at the Sign in/ temperature check desk in the foyer of the Centenary Hall. The tuck shop will be here too until 6.30pm.
- The Concert starts at 7pm. Due to increased numbers of Covid cases we will not be serving refreshments at the concert and we will just have a 10 minute comfort break to enable us to complete the programme by 8.30pm. Please bring your own drinks and snacks.
- We will be selling tickets on the door cash only £6 for adults and £3 for under 18s and OAPs. Performers of course are free! Doors open at 6.30pm for the audience.
- We will also be selling raffle tickets. £1 for a strip of tickets or £4 for 5 strips. The tickets for the prizes will be drawn during the concert, attached to the prizes and can be picked up on your way out. If you have a raffle prize you could donate these would be gratefully received. Please let me know if you intend to bring something or could help on the night.
- Musicians will be seated by their families when they are not playing and masks may be worn but this is not mandatory.
- Please can all Musicians wear smart black (or grey) trousers/ skirts and black/ white shirts/blouses. You can wear black/ white combinations and this should be most people’s school uniform colours and not bought especially for the concert. Please no jeans.
- Musicians are expected to stay for the entire concert not leave after their performance except by prior agreement with me. This is to give all performers a maximum audience and to enable musicians to see their peers perform, gaining inspiration and appreciation for everyone making music whether they are performing first or last!

Dear Parents/Guardians,
Dear Musicians and Parents,
I hope you are enjoying the summer holidays?
Thank you to all those who have written back with answers to the questions I asked to help get your feedback on TSDMC this year.
Thank you also to those who have let me know if they can or can’t be at the TSDMC Midsummer extra Workshop/ rehearsals this August.
It’s not too late to sign up for the event nor too late to write your responses to the questions.
Hope to see you soon!
Thank you to those who have sent a reflection of their thoughts on the questions below, if you haven’t done so please can I ask you and your musicians to send these to me electronically via email either as an attachment or as part of the email. These are for our planning and annual report, as TSDMC is here for you and wants to know what you think it is great if we can let our students’ voices and that of their families be included in this.
Questions for TSDMC 2020-2021:
- What do you like about Torbay and South Devon Music Centre? Please share your thoughts about all aspects of it.
- How have you found the last year with TSDMC online and in person?
- What would you like to alter at TSDMC to make it even better?
- In September 2021 we will be back having two sessions one from 4.30pm -5.30pm for our sectional groups then the second from 5.45pm- 6.45pm. The second session would be for Orchestra for players grade 3 upwards. If you are of grade 3 and above would you attend this? If not, why not?
- Do you have a composer or particular piece of music that you would like to play in the orchestra? If so, give as much detail as possible.
- Would you recommend people to come to TSDMC? If so, would you agree to have your photo used in publicising TSDMC at your school or other schools? If not, why not?
- Any other comments.
Thank you.
At the Summer Term concert, I mentioned the Midsummer Music event which is on Monday 23rd August, Tuesday 24th August, and Wednesday 25th August.
As members of the TSDMC, you are invited to attend free of charge at specific times with your TSDMC teacher. They may ask you to join in with the Master class they are running (or you watch this part), take part in the workshop that follows, and have rehearsal time. It should be fun and a great music experience.
The dates and times for each group section are as follows:
Percussion |
Monday |
10am -1pm |
Brass |
Monday |
1pm – 4pm |
Reed Ensemble |
Tuesday |
10am – 1pm |
Flute Choir |
Tuesday |
10am -1pm |
Youth Strings |
Tuesday |
1pm -4pm |
Concert Orchestra |
Wednesday |
10am -1pm |
You will need your instrument, music, a pencil, pegs, money for the tuck shop, drink, and a snack.
Please contact us via email at to let us know if you are able to attend this event, so your teachers and I know who to expect before Monday 23rd August 2021.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
Best wishes
Moira Devonport
Dear Musicians and Parents,
Dear Musicians and Parents
Dear Musicians and Parents
Best wishes
Our latest Summer Term flyer for Torbay and South Devon Music Centre is out!
Please share on your social media outlets and pass it on to anyone who might be interested in joining the music centre.
If you’re interested in the music centre please get in contact as we’d love you to join us playing music together!
🎶Keep Calm. Stay Safe. Play Music!🎶
Dear Staff, Musicians, and Parents
I hope you had a very Happy Easter and have been enjoying the good weather.
I am pleased to inform you that we are able to meet back face to face at Torquay Boys’ Grammar School for this term starting this Friday (23/04/21).
We will have strict social distancing and risk assessment measures in place that are explained in the table below to keep everyone safe. These measures enabled TSDMC to have a very successful and safe Autumn first half term this academic year and we would love to see you back with us again to finish the year in person.
The Summer Term (short) subscription form link is also below to be completed for each student before Friday, please:
Reopening procedure for TSDMC 23.04.21 |
Before you arrive |
Please sign the new membership form online and pay membership fees by bank transfer. There will be no paper copies of forms or calendar dates this term; Please can the subscription form for this term be completed for all students by clicking on the link below before you arrive on Friday.
Torquay Boys Grammar School (TBGS) are cleaning the rooms, toilets, and spaces we will be using after the boys leave school and before we go into the space. Following government guidelines if the student or anyone in their household is feeling unwell, has a temperature, or are in quarantine please do not attend TSDMC. Students are required to bring a face mask or face covering to the music centre and to wear it inside when using communal spaces. TBGS boys who attend TSDMC and are already on site must come to the bistro where the TSDMC manager and staff will supervise the student in socially distanced year group bubbles to follow TBGS risk assessment guidelines. Students are not to use any rooms unless given permission from TSDMC staff. There will be no tuck shop or drinks available to staff or students for this term. |
On arrival on site |
Teachers to arrive for 4.30pm, check-in, go to their teaching room to set up teaching rooms including ventilation and social distancing measures. All Students to arrive 4.35pm onwards for a 4.45pm start in rooms. Students must not come onto the site before 4.35pm. If students arrive by car they must wait in them until that time, if you arrive by bus or are dropped off please arrange with the TSDMC Manager where you need to wait if early. Please check-in at the welcome desk outside the Bistro as all people attending TSDMC will be on a track and trace list. TSDMC staff will be using a contactless thermometer to test the temperature of everyone attending TSDMC. Anyone found with a temperature will be sent home straight away. Everyone will be asked to hand sanitize on arrival on site. |
Getting to your music room |
Some of the rooms we use have needed to be altered this year for safety/ cleaning purposes and to enable the correct social distancing of groups according to music mark guidelines. We will be using three entrances into the building to avoid groups crowding in corridors, only the Concert Orchestra will be going into the Bistro hall as usual. Percussion and Reed Ensemble will use the entrance next to the Bistro and use the corridor to your usual rooms ER1 for Percussion and ER3 for Reeds. All other groups have had to be moved. They will enter the building up the outside staircase just past the flagpole by the main entrance. (you can see the stairs from the welcome desk outside the Bistro). The Flute Choir are back in G4, a room they used to use as it is larger than the one used last year, but to get to the room students must use the outside stairs and go along the corridor. The Concert brass are in H1 first classroom on the right at the top of the stairs. The Youth Strings are in H4 the first classroom on the left at the top of the stairs. The Fast forward group are in H3, the second room on the left. Parents who normally stay with their children can do so if it is necessary for their wellbeing, but a drop-off is preferred. All parents are asked to wear face masks at all times when inside the building and at the check-in desk. Toilets are found on the top corridor for those students in those bubbles and the toilets on the corridor by the bistro for those on the ground floor. |
In your music group bubble |
Windows and some doors will be opened to give ventilation to each room, no matter what the temperature or weather. On entering the music group bubble all people must hand sanitize. A register will be taken as usual and students will be given a music stand each to use. This will be labeled with their name and kept as the stand for them to use this term. No one else will touch this as it will go into individual cases in a group bag. Music stands will be socially distanced according to music mark guidance for different instruments. Music Centre teachers will advise on how to set the rooms up following the latest guidance. Music will be given to students in a plastic wallet and it is their responsibility to bring it to all rehearsals. No one should share music, an instrument or touch each other’s music or instruments. Music teachers will advise on tuning, but students will tune their own instruments. For students of woodwind or brass instruments, a bell cap needs to be worn over the instruments bell to capture moisture. Please contact your instrument teacher if you need advice on this. |
Leaving the site |
There is no second session of TSDMC this term. Music sessions will finish by 5.45pm and all students are off the site by 6pm to allow cleaners in. Rooms should be left as they are found except the Concert Orchestra. Please leave chairs set out in the bistro hall, so the cleaners know which chairs students used. Students pack up their own instruments and music stands into cases. TBGS boys from each group are asked to help take music stand bags back to the storage cupboard as no one else is allowed in that department building (in accordance to TBGS risk assessment). TSDMC staff supervise these students from outside the building and provide hand sanitizer when finished. |
After you leave |
If you or any members of your household are ill with symptoms or are found to be positive for Covid 19 please contact Moira Devonport TSDMC manager immediately. |
Remember for next week |
Instrument Music in a plastic wallet Music stand if bringing your own to use. Face mask Drink |
Any concerns you have please email them to me so I can try to answer and reassure you that we have taken all the government, local music hub, and music mark guidance into consideration before getting to this point and continue to follow changes in these recommendations and permissions.
For those students who attend our Fast Forward Group at Oldway Primary School, sadly we are still unable to meet at the school at the present time. However, we would welcome you to come to Fast Forward at Torquay Boys Grammar school on Friday nights and hope to restart this other group in September.
I have added the planned calendar for this year below please note rehearsal times have altered at present, but dates, groups, contact, and fee information are correct:
I look forward to seeing and hearing you play together again this Friday (23/04/21).
Keep Calm, Stay Safe, Play Music!
Best wishes
Moira Devonport
Dear Musicians and Parents,
Dear Musicians and Parents,
Just a reminder that the Music Centre starts tonight at 5 pm. If you haven’t signed up yet it’s not too late! If this week is too short notice sign up and start next week.
Dear Parents and Carers,
I have some exciting news that we can go back to TBGS and have Music Centre Friday 11th September 2020.
As we know music rehearsing is best done together in person with our teachers and friends. We found rehearsing online a very different way of doing things and, although it still has a place in our plans, rehearsing and playing music together in person is so much better.
The trustees and I have been working hard with Torquay Boys Grammar School to complete a risk assessment for the music centre starting up again this term. In the table below I explain what changes have been implemented so we can open on the 11th September.
Reopening procedure for TSDMC 11.09.20 | |
Before you arrive | Please sign the new membership form online and pay membership fees by bank transfer.–gkG7TczqdI09e-_urPqkrQCruIeAkDQ/viewform
There will be no paper copies of forms or calendar dates this term; it will all be sent online. Torquay Boys Grammar School (TBGS) are cleaning the rooms, toilets, and spaces we will be using after the boys leave school and before we go into the space. Following government guidelines if the student or anyone in their household is feeling unwell, have a temperature or are in quarantine please do not attend TSDMC. Students are required to bring a face mask or face covering to the music centre and to wear it inside when using communal spaces. TBGS boys who attend TSDMC and are already on site must come to the bistro where the TSDMC manager and staff will supervise the student in socially distanced year group bubbles to follow TBGS risk assessment guidelines. Students are not to use any rooms unless given permission from TSDMC staff. There will be no tuck shop or drinks available to staff or students for this term. |
On arrival on site | Teachers to arrive for 4.30pm, check in, go to their teaching room to set up teaching rooms including ventilation and social distancing measures.
All Students to arrive 4.35pm onwards for a 4.45pm start in rooms. Students must not come onto site before 4.35pm. If students arrive by car they must wait in them until that time, if you arrive by bus or are dropped off please arrange with the TSDMC Manager where you need to wait if early. Please check in at the welcome desk outside the Bistro as all people attending TSDMC will be on a track and trace list. TSDMC staff will be using a contactless thermometer to test the temperature of everyone attending TSDMC. Anyone found with a temperature will be sent home straight away. Everyone will be asked to hand sanitize on arrival on site. |
Getting to your music room | Some of the rooms we use have needed to be altered this year for safety/ cleaning purposes and to enable the correct social distancing of groups according to music mark guidelines.
We will be using three entrances into the building to avoid groups crowding in corridors, only the Concert Orchestra will be going into the Bistro hall as usual. Percussion and Reed Ensemble will use the entrance next to the Bistro and use the corridor to your usual rooms ER1 for Percussion and ER3 for Reeds. All other groups have had to be moved. They will enter the building up the outside staircase just past the flagpole by the main entrance. (you can see the stairs from the welcome desk outside the Bistro). The Flute choir are back in G4, a room they used to use as it is larger than the one used last year, but to get to the room students must use the outside stairs and go along the corridor. The Concert brass are in H1 first classroom on the right at the top of the stairs. The Youth Strings are in H4 the first classroom on the left at the top of the stairs. The Fast forward group are in H3, the second room on the left. Parents who normally stay with their children can do so if it is necessary for their wellbeing, but a drop off is preferred. All parents are asked to wear face masks at all times when inside the building and at the check in desk. Toilets are found on the top corridor for those students in those bubbles and the toilets on the corridor by the bistro for those on the ground floor. |
In your music group bubble | Windows and some doors will be opened to give ventilation to each room, no matter what the temperature or weather.
On entering the music group bubble all people must hand sanitize. A register will be taken as usual and students will be given a music stand each to use. This will be labelled with their name and kept as the stand for them to use this term. No one else will touch this as it will go into individual cases in a group bag. Music stands will be socially distanced according to music mark guidance for different instruments. Music Centre teachers will advise on how to set the rooms up following latest guidance. Music will be given to students in a plastic wallet and it is their responsibility to bring it to all rehearsals. No one should share music, an instrument or touch each other’s music or instruments. Music teachers will advise on tuning, but students will tune their own instruments. Students of woodwind or brass instruments a bell cap needs to be worn over the instruments bell to capture moisture. Please contact your instrument teacher if you need advice on this. |
Leaving the site | There is no second session of TSDMC this term. Music sessions will finish by 5.45pm and all students are off the site by 6pm to allow cleaners in.
Rooms should be left as they are found except the Concert Orchestra. Please leave chairs set out in the bistro hall, so the cleaners know which chairs students used. Students pack up their own instruments and music stands into cases. TBGS boys from each group are asked to help take music stand bags back to the storage cupboard as no one else is allowed in that department building (in accordance to TBGS risk assessment). TSDMC staff supervise these students from outside the building and provide hand sanitizer when finished. |
After you leave | If you or any members of your household are ill with symptoms or are found to be positive for Covid 19 please contact Moira Devonport TSDMC manager immediately. |
Remember for next week | Instrument
Music in plastic wallet Music stand if bringing your own to use. Face mask Drink |
Any concerns you have please email them to me so I can try to answer and reassure you that we have taken all the government, local music hub and music mark guidance into consideration before getting to this point and continue to follow changes in these recommendations and permissions.
For those students who attend our Fast Forward Group at Oldway Primary School on Thursdays,sadly we are unable to meet at the school at the present time.However we would welcome you to come to Fast Forward at Torquay Boys Grammar school on Friday nights.
I attach the planned calendar for this year below please note rehearsal times have altered at present, but dates, groups, contact and fee information are correct.
I look forward to seeing and hearing you play together again next week.
Best wishes
Moira Devonport
Dear Musicians and Parents,
I hope this finds you safe and well.
It would be our first week back at Music Centre this week so I am sending you an update as we can’t meet together in person!
At the moment, due to lockdown, we have to follow the government guidelines and stay at home. We do not know yet when the lockdown will lift for us or when we can meet again to practice and perform together but we know it will be at least 3 more weeks and it looks unlikely before half term.
However, this doesn’t mean that we have to stop music making!
I hope individually, you have time and space to practice your instruments?
Do you know of any online sites that are worth a listen to or have resources of free music to play along to or print parts? Please let me know and I will share them with everyone.
I’ve found some great music to listen to and even some music that is free to print at a range of levels so the whole music centre could play together. I have chosen three pieces from the site, one we did last term as the Orchestra from 6-7pm, but there are easier parts for everyone. (Please see the link below).
It would be great if you take a look at the site and see which parts you can play. This is for all groups and for all musicians in those groups. I will send more info soon when I have found out if we can play online together or we may have to wait til we are back at music centre.
Let me know how you get on with the site and if you need any help with printing music etc. It would be good to know if you try any of the pieces so keep in touch!
Best wishes
Moira Devonport
If you click on this link and go to the Orchestral and choral arrangements and click on this. There are a good number of different styles and composers to chose from. Below are the three pieces I think we could look at individually then put together when we can. Or even record at home and edit together online! To hear the tracks and info about the composers follow the links on the site.
Igor Stravinsky – The Firebird — suite (1911) (Finale) – Instrumental arrangements | Arrangements suitable for orchestral instruments, for beginners up to Grade 5. All parts have been designed to work together to enable mixed-ability groups to perform together.
Beginner/pre-Grade 1 Violin (open strings) | Cello/Double bass (open strings) Flute | Clarinet in B♭ | Oboe (or any mid-range instrument in C) | Bassoon Trumpet in B♭ | Horn in F (F and Bf fingering) | Trombone (or other bass instrument in C) Tenor horn/Alto sax in E♭ | Euphonium/Baritone Bass (or any large) drum | Glockenspiel Piano beginner Transposed score Grade 1-3 Violin | Cello/Double bass Flute | Clarinet in B♭ | Oboe (or any mid-range instrument in C) | Bassoon Trumpet in B♭ | Trombone (or any bass instrument in C) | Horn in F Tenor horn/Alto sax in E♭ | Euphonium/Baritone Bass (or other large) drum Piano Intermediate score Grade 4-5 Violin | 2nd Violin (based on viola) | Viola | Cello | Double bass Flute | Clarinet in B♭ | Oboe | Bassoon Trumpet in B♭ | Trombone (bass clef) | Trombone (treble clef) | Horn in F | Tenor horn/Alto sax in Eb Euphonium/Baritone | Bass in B♭ | Bass in E♭ (treble clef) | Tuba Bass drum Full score | Piano accompaniment |
Doctor Who Theme by Delia Derbyshire
(original theme composed by Ron Grainer)
Available parts:
Flutes, Oboes, Clarinets, Alto Saxophones, Bassoons, Trumpets, Horns, Euphoniums, Tenor Horns, Trombone, Tuba, Bass in Eb Timpani, Percussion Violins, Violas, Cellos, Double Basses Guitar, Ukulele Piano |
For Beginner, Intermediate and Grade 4/5
Universal notes for all instrumental arrangements:
All parts have been designed to enable mixed-ability groups to perform together. A certain amount of simplification has been required to adapt the pieces for mixed-ability. A successful rendering of each piece would require the essential melodic material and bass line which are often in the Grades 4/5 parts, especially in the piano.
There are scores for each difficulty level plus three other scores for each piece: 1. Grouped according to ability 2. Grouped according to instrument type 3. ‘Short score’ in C, grouped according to ability
There are three ability levels – beginner, intermediate (Grades 1-3) and Grades 4-5. • Flute parts can be played by the violins • Oboe parts can be played by the flutes and violins • Trumpet parts (in Bb) can be played by the clarinets • Violin parts can be played by the flutes (except when in the lowest register) • The ‘percussion’ part is a beginner part and can be played on any drum. It adds a simple rhythm layer to each piece. Timpani and full percussion parts are for intermediate or Grades 4/5
Edward Elgar – ‘Enigma’ Variations – Theme (‘Enigma’), variations 11, 6 & 7 – Instrumental arrangements | Beginner/pre-Grade 1:
Violin | Cello | Guitar | Ukulele Flute | Clarinet in B♭ | Alto saxophone | Oboe | Bassoon Trumpet in B♭ | Trombone | Trombone in B♭ | Tenor horn | Horn in F | Euphonium Percussion Piano Intermediate/Grade 1-3: Violin | Viola | Cello | Double bass | Guitar Flute | Clarinet in B♭ | Alto saxophone | Oboe | Bassoon Trumpet in B♭ | Trombone | Trombone in B♭ | Tenor horn | Horn in F | Euphonium | Tuba Timpani | Glockenspiel | Snare drum/Triangle/Bass drum/Cymbals Piano Grade 4-5: 1st Violin | 2nd Violin | Viola | Cello | Double bass Flute | 2nd Flute | Clarinet in B♭ | Alto saxophone | Oboe | Bassoon | Bass in B♭ Trumpet in B♭ | Trombone | Trombone in B♭ | Tenor horn | Horn in F | Euphonium | 2nd Euphonium | Tuba Timpani Piano |
The trustees and I have been carefully assessing the developments and I am writing to you to let you know of changes to rehearsals and concerts we had planned. All rehearsals and concerts are cancelled until next term.
Newsletter Autumn 2019
- Newsletters keep you in touch with news and events at Music Centre. Please read and keep for a while, so you know what is happening. Keep in touch on twitter and Facebook.
• Please pay fees and return a registration form due for this term as soon as possible. If you pay by BACS, please also complete and return a registration form. All members need their parent or carer’s signed agreement to take part in Music Centre activities, which is why we need the completed registration form.
• Music Centre members should stay on site until collected at the end of your ensemble. Please do not leave the schools between ensembles, for your own protection and safety. If you change your normal arrangements, please let someone know!
• THIS TERM’S CONCERT is at the Centenary Hall on Friday 29th November at 7.00pm. This concert is for all music centre groups. Tickets will be available at the door and at Music Centre rehearsals. Please wear smart black trousers/skirt and white/coloured top with festive touches.
• Seating rehearsal schedule at the Centenary Hall on Friday 29th November:
4.30pm: Reed Choir (clarinets, saxophones and double reeds), 4.45pm: Flute choir, 5.00pm: Concert Orchestra, 5.15pm: Percussion, 5.30pm: Orchestra, 5.45pm: Youth Strings, 6.00pm: Concert Brass
Fast Forward group will meet Bistro Hall at 4:30pm, so that they can have a rehearsal with the Thursday Fast Forward group then head over to the Centenary Hall to set up for 5.15-5.30pm.
6.30pm: doors open for the audience.
7pm: Concert starts
• We would welcome contributions to the raffle at the concert. Could we ask you to bring a contribution to the interval refreshments? Biscuits, cakes, and savouries would be welcome. The Music Centre will provide drinks at no charge.
• Remaining rehearsals this term are on 8th, 15th and 22nd November. After the concert on 29th November, there will be a break until Friday 10th January 2020.
Thank you for your hard work this term and great music making! Have a very Happy Christmas, I hope you enjoy the holiday and we look forward to seeing you in January 2020!
Best Wishes,