Please help
If you share our conviction that music-making is a priceless experience for young people, we would welcome your support and friendship. Please contact us if you might be able to spare a little of your time to help on Friday evenings (not necessarily every week) or at concerts; or might consider joining our committee; or could be involved in fund-raising activities.
If you would like to help but are not sure how, or do not have much time to spare, please talk to us anyway – there will be something useful you can do!
What we do
The trustees of the Torbay & South Devon Music Centre are responsible for the music centre and its activities. We:
– are the governing body for the Torbay and South Devon Music Centre;
– are the trustees of the registered charity;
– meet regularly to set policies and guide the management of the Music Centre;
– raise most of the money needed to run the Music Centre;
– provide practical assistance at weekly meetings and concerts.
Who we are
The Music Centre is led by a committee which forms the governing body and the trustees of the charity. Other members provide practical support. The committee members are:
Chairman – Lisa Sedgeman
Treasurer – Martin Hill
Secretary – Elizabeth James
Practical assistance
As well as raising most of the money needed to run the Music Centre, the committee provide essential practical assistance at weekly meetings and concerts. Some examples of the help provided are:
– selling tickets, programmes and refreshments at concerts
– stage management
– running raffles
– administration
We are very grateful to all our friends who make Music Centre possible by their help and support.