Come to our concerts!

Concerts are held each term in venues in Torbay and South Devon. Each ensemble performs a selection of the works they have rehearsed during the term. All students are able to perform as members of one or more ensembles. Taking part in a public performance as part of a full-scale concert is a valuable and exciting experience for young players.

Parents, family members, friends and music teachers find these concerts enjoyable and are urged to come if at all possible. This is your opportunity to hear for yourself how well the students can play and to see how much they enjoy making music together. The concerts are also open to the public; please come along to hear good music played to a high standard by enthusiastic young musicians.

If you would like to reserve a ticket please contact us. Or you can buy a ticket on the door if you prefer.

Forthcoming concerts

, TBCWe have a concert at the end of each term. The dates and venues for our 2024/25 concerts are as follows.

date time venue
Friday 22th November 6:30 pm Centenary Hall
Torquay Boys’ Grammar School
Friday 29th November 4.30 pm Jazz workshop
Friday 21th March 6:30 pm

Centenary Hall
Torquay Boys’ Grammar School

Friday 28th March 4:30 pm World Music workshop
Friday 4th July 6:30 pm Torquay Boys Grammar School
Outside the Manor House on the Terrace or in Centenary Hall
Saturday 11th July 6:30 pm Mid-Summer Music Evening

Students should look at the information and news for members pages on this website for details of rehearsal times and other arrangements.

Concert dress is white shirt and black trousers. Bring a music stand, spare reeds, pencils, instrument stands and clarinets(!), including specialist ones, to all events.


All members of TSDMC are expected to attend and perform in concerts as they may be playing parts that others do not play. If they are absent, they not only miss the performance opportunity for themselves, but it also makes it harder for all other group members to perform to the best of their ability.

For enquiries and information contact Moira Devonport, Music Centre Manager 07862922739